Whole Grain Cookies

I love baking, but I dislike how it seems that there is a lot of refined foods in it. (Ahem, cake aside.) :)

I am trying to incorporate more whole grains and fiber into my diet. And, an easy way to do that is through cookies!

Yes, cookies.

Bakers Banter at King Arthur Flour posted a blog about using White whole wheat and oatmeal to create a whole grain cookie. They also made it will all butter, so no shortening is involved.

I only had regular rolled oats, so I did blend mine a bit to get a more flour like consistency. I did not have orange juice, so I used milk. I think I will try the orange juice next time, the cookies do have a bit of “wheaty” taste to them (but not nearly as much as the cookies made from Whole Foods Whole Wheat).

In addition, the cookies have an added step of refrigerating the dough overnight. It made a remarkable amount of difference in the taste, the overnight cookie dough was smoother after a stay than the dough right after mixing. I might try doing this with cookies from now on :)

I had one batch with dried cranberries and dark chocolate chips, and one batch with mini chocolate chips. This recipe also has the added bonus of twice as much “stuff” as the typical Nestle Tollhouse chocolate chip cookie recipe, so there is a lot of chocolate in the cookies. Yum!

You can find the full recipe, without the wonderful banter, at King Arthur Flour’s Website

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