Weekly Plans

Today starts my attempt at the SITS Problogger Challenge. The challenge is a set of 31 things that I can do for my blog (post one is an elevator pitch) to increase how successful it is.

I have a few cupcake attempts in my future for this week. The first came from Cupcake Wars, in which one of the items was pulled pork, and everyone skipped it for the much easier bacon. If professional cupcake bakers shy away from it, I want to try it!

The second was a discussion of how the realities of my partner and myself overlap, as evidenced by this graph. Thus, I must attempt these cupcakes.

Exciting week! :)


  1. Rachel said

    I love cupcakes and would definitely try the pulled pork. Although I have wanted to make a bacon cupcake for a while!

    • AmandaLP said


      I found a recipe online using pancake batter and baking it in cupcake tins, so I will be attempting that with bacon soon :)

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